Our Projects
All of our projects address reforestation and provide social and economic support of the disadvantaged communities in which we work.
Reserva de la Biosfera de la Sierra Gorda Queretaro, Mexico

This reserve contains 384 thousand hectares of tropical deciduous, coniferous and mesophyll mountain forests, xerophytic scrub and pastures. In this area, we are working with the Rio Blanco, Alejandria, Agua Zarca, and Valle Verde communities. This project involves middle school children working alongside the Peace Corps and other environmental organizations to reforest areas devastated by illegal logging and pests. The pine nut trees we plant here will provide economic benefit and discourage logging in these remote communities.
Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán
Cuicatlán, México
This reserve contains 490 thousand hectares of thorny deciduous and oak forest, scrub, and pasture. We are working with the community of Santa Maria Coapan. An important aspect of this project is to use reforestation as a tool to inhibit water run-off thereby replenishing local underground water reserves.

This region is full of natural and human resources. We will be working here soon with El Centro para el Foralecimiento Campesino Kakataima, a local environmental group.